Friday, November 29, 2013

The Champs-Elysees YAY! (you read that right)

Christmas Beers do not disappoint
Another Noon start time to our day.  May have something do to the fact that Pierce went to bed past Midnight.  I will say this, he fully embraces the culture here.

I  break my rule and we go to the Champs-Elysees.  Before you think I am heading to the equivalent of Woodfield Mall (and you would be correct), I must shed light on the reason for our visit. Rumor has it that the Christmas Kindlemarket is pretty kick-butt.  We take a chance and hit the jackpot.

Something that a dear friend said to me last week struck a cord. Looking at you KS!  She and her daughter were in NYC and she had a set of plans that did not include the typical tourist dreg.  But when she got there and saw the smiles that even the simplest things brought, all plans out the window. Wise words.

The market is pure magic and a kid heaven. Best of all, no lines, no waiting.  I do not need to remind anyone, The Gordons are line free. Yes, I get it, I could use some botox, but that's another post.
A ride on the Ferris Wheel

We hit up the massive Ferris Wheel, for the cool price of 25 Euros.  Normally I would say not worth it, but with zero line and a killer view, who can argue. The dude gives us three rotations and we are set.

Off to the more than 350 merchants that are part of the market, lots and lots of repeats.  But alas, the boys face is pure happiness the whole time.  A ride down a slide, a roller coaster excursion and a 'bungy cord' bouncy thing are huge hits.

Lest you think Mitch and I are martyrs we indulge in the Christmas Ales available at nearly every stand.  
Pierce kept calling Euros Churros, so I could
not resist this picture
Thrilled to taste the Noel version of some of our favorites, Leffe, Grimbergen and Affilgem we solider on in the name of Christmas spirit.

A Metro ride back to our hood and a quick wine fused lunch brings us back to one of my other favorite Paris outposts….BHV.  This department store is simply devine.  You may compare it to a Sears but that would be an insult.  The basement does indeed have tools and also leather hides?!  But it is pure class  So much so that I indulge my shopping tendencies and buy a few beautiful things for the P monster.  Yes, he could care less, but as long as I can dress him like he gives a hoot I will continue.  Really is it any wonder we stopped at one, what would I do with a girl.  Besides drive me insane, I may be responsible of the Gordon bankruptcy
One of the many rides and activities
at the Kindlemarket

All roads lead to Lego (we think)

Not sure why we agreed to this, but Pierce was adamant that the Lego Store in Paris, was a must do for all of us. At any rate, trusty google map in phone and we were off at the very early hour of Noon.  Well, we are on vacation.  As all things Parisien our day started with a visit to the bakery and more pain au chocolate.  We needed reinforcement for the walk to the Lego Store.

Long story short, Google is a day late an a Euro short on their directions and address for the Lego Store.  It in fact directs you to the Lego headquarters and we all know that a bunch of corporate types are the last peeps anyone wants to hang with on a vacation.  The lovely young British lad at reception kindly directed us to where the real Lego Store was and his expression clearly  said "If I had a Euro for every person who came in looking for the store, I would ditch this dead end desk job"

A few blocks later and we hit pay dirt!  Not only that but the store is located in a beautiful covered mall that is a series of toy shops.  Needless to say Pierce is tres content.  We limit his purchase to under 20 euros, which he replies "How many churros is this?"  hmmm, well points for effort, he does like to equate everything with food.

We hop the metro and opt to lunch near our 'old' apartment in the marais by Place des Vosges.  We are walking along and spot a quaint little bistro, Le Petite Marche.  It's charming and delicious spot that we enjoy immensely.  Upon receiving his food, Pierce exclaims  "Wow!  I got a huge piece of meat!"  Yep, that's our boy.

Up next is one of my absolute favorite excursions of all time….MONOPRIX.  More than the Target of Paris, this is one of my beloved must visit spots.  And, yes there are tons of Monoprix stores throughout the city, but the one in the Marais is superb!  Literally there is no equal.  It rocks.  It not only has delicious fois gras (mitch), but it has the most gorgeous lingerie section (me) and a kick butt boys section ℗, which makes this particular outlet beyond compare.

Heading back on the number one line to Chatelet and I do battle with my most hated metro stop yet again  UGH, I should really learn.  Alas, we buy some new beer, head home and wait for it…….build Legos!  A quick trip for a very late dinner (10 p.m) even late by French standards and we finally sleep. A beautiful first full day.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Planes, Trains and Buses (not as catchy)

Nous sommes arrives!  The travel day consisted of all of Pierce's favorite things, all transportation related of course.  The 152 bus to the Blue Line, a flight to Paris then and RER train from CDG.   A relatively short walk to the apartment and we crash.  Well, by relative I mean 10 minutes, with the arch nemesis for all metro stations, Chatelet.  It's not enough that this particular stop connects with no less than 10 transport options, but they must also have 30 exits, most of which are closed due to construction work.  Needless to say even in the best of times, this metro stop and I are on bad terms.

My personal Chatelet issues aside, our trip was stress free.  File under the reasons why we travel internationally at Thanksgiving…..empty flights!  Which means, rows for everyone.  Suck it business class, we are reclining in all our own rows here in the cheap seats.  I say business class because this is the last equipment from AA that has yet to be upgraded.  We are talking no personal video devices here  people, dark ages.

Fortunately it is an overnight flight, so all we need is dinner and a glass of wine (me) beer (mitch) and French flight attendant who dotes on Pierce.   Unfortunately for the rest of the flight the first movie is Disney's Planes.  Wow!!!  exciting to no one, except Pierce.  Who, incidentally just watched this on the way back from the OC.

Fast forward …..easy flight, great apartment and we hit the road, after nap! I am military about a nap after the flight and mitch and pierce sleep peacefully for two full hours, me….not so much.  Le sigh.

We hit up Notre Dame for the windows and laugh at the tourists standing in line for the towers  Something Pierce has inherited from the both of us, we do not do lines.  Apres the Notre Dame excursion, Pierce is all about the Hotel de Ville carasole.  Just like old times, only now he is old enough to ride alone, no twirly whirly for us!  A visit to the Stravinsky fountain seals the deal on cool factor for Pierce.

A short stop at the store for provisions….mainly special edition beers and some breakfast stuff and we head back to the apartment.  An early dinner at the local falafel stop is next.  Seriously great stuff. Pierce cleans his plate and Mitch's.  Not ready to hit the bed, we venture the 10 meters to the nearest bar with Pierce in tow.  A big futbul match is on and Pierce is instantly engaged.  What the heck would we do if this kid was not into sports…..shudder!!!!

My personal challenge of the day is trying to engage to the locals in futbul talk.  I am hopeless and I never feel like more a fish out of water.  Can you imagine, me not being able to talk sports.  My downfall being I don't' know soccer in english, let alone French.  An attempt to steer the conversation to the NFL does not go over as planned.  Oh Well, there's still a language of sports and it wins over :)