Friday, November 29, 2013

All roads lead to Lego (we think)

Not sure why we agreed to this, but Pierce was adamant that the Lego Store in Paris, was a must do for all of us. At any rate, trusty google map in phone and we were off at the very early hour of Noon.  Well, we are on vacation.  As all things Parisien our day started with a visit to the bakery and more pain au chocolate.  We needed reinforcement for the walk to the Lego Store.

Long story short, Google is a day late an a Euro short on their directions and address for the Lego Store.  It in fact directs you to the Lego headquarters and we all know that a bunch of corporate types are the last peeps anyone wants to hang with on a vacation.  The lovely young British lad at reception kindly directed us to where the real Lego Store was and his expression clearly  said "If I had a Euro for every person who came in looking for the store, I would ditch this dead end desk job"

A few blocks later and we hit pay dirt!  Not only that but the store is located in a beautiful covered mall that is a series of toy shops.  Needless to say Pierce is tres content.  We limit his purchase to under 20 euros, which he replies "How many churros is this?"  hmmm, well points for effort, he does like to equate everything with food.

We hop the metro and opt to lunch near our 'old' apartment in the marais by Place des Vosges.  We are walking along and spot a quaint little bistro, Le Petite Marche.  It's charming and delicious spot that we enjoy immensely.  Upon receiving his food, Pierce exclaims  "Wow!  I got a huge piece of meat!"  Yep, that's our boy.

Up next is one of my absolute favorite excursions of all time….MONOPRIX.  More than the Target of Paris, this is one of my beloved must visit spots.  And, yes there are tons of Monoprix stores throughout the city, but the one in the Marais is superb!  Literally there is no equal.  It rocks.  It not only has delicious fois gras (mitch), but it has the most gorgeous lingerie section (me) and a kick butt boys section ℗, which makes this particular outlet beyond compare.

Heading back on the number one line to Chatelet and I do battle with my most hated metro stop yet again  UGH, I should really learn.  Alas, we buy some new beer, head home and wait for it…….build Legos!  A quick trip for a very late dinner (10 p.m) even late by French standards and we finally sleep. A beautiful first full day.

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