Saturday, March 7, 2009

Magnificently Mellow

True to our plan, we kept it low key today and didn't stray far from our neighborhood. The morning brought us to one of our favorite local farmers markets. We got some food here for lunch (paella, a huge chunk of Emmentaler Cheese and some baquettes) Yum! Mitch's favorite part of travel is trying out local and undiscovered cuisine, so it was wonderful to browse and sample at all the stands. Following our park bench dine, we picked up some dinner for this evening, some homemade gnocchi with pesto and to start with some Arachini. Mitch also paid a visit to our local bakery for some choice desserts :)

We spent the afternoon people watching at our corner bistro, while the every Saturday Jazz band played nearby. It was a fabulous afternoon of some eye popping outfits, good music and wine to soak it all in. Some playtime at the park and we were ready to call it a day.

One of the most pleasant aspects of this adventure is the lack of any agenda. With no 'must sees' or 'have to get back tos' we just go with the flow and live life like we would back home, except with more afternoon wine :) When in Rome....There has to be a similar expression for Paris?! Experiencing this magnificent city through a toddlers eyes is another adventure entirely and has given us much joy in the process.

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