Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We'll Always Have Paris

Hard to believe it's been nearly 29 nights in the City of Light. A stroll through a neighborhood department store (BHV) to avoid the morning rain and the rest of the afternoon gloriously sunny saw us stop at an outdoor cafe and a farewell visit to Pierce's favorite park. A final falafel dinner together at the last one on our list and we feel complete :)

We still have a 1/2 day tomorrow before our departure and no doubt we'll pay a visit to our bakery across the street and soak up our remaining hours in Paris.

A remarkable opportunity to live outside our world for a month, be absorbed in another culture together and experience a slower pace of life has indeed brought some new perspectives and contemplations.

Mitch and I leave with a lifetime of memories, which Pierce will experience time and again via the magic of pictures and video. We return to family and friends and the one Gordon unable to make the trip, our beloved dog Quincy.

Once we settle at home I'll do one final 'best of' trip report that has lists of our favorite restaurants and places to visit all in one post. Until then, thanks for sharing the adventure with us! We'll always have Paris :)

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