Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Sound of Music

Well it wasn't 60 and sunny again today, but 55 with peeks at the sun felt pretty great too. Lazy Sunday. Pierce was in an indecisive mood in terms of wanting to actually put on clothes to leave the house, so after I convinced him you could not ride the merry go round naked, he obliged. The mind of a toddler is a whacky world. Since our neighborhood is the place to be on Sundays there's really no reason to venture out for the action. Suprisingly it was slightly less busy this weekend, I think because all the museums are free today (first Sunday of the month). See first picture for a shot of the neighborhood, the streets are blocked off on Sundays so pedesterians roam free.
For lunch I got Pierce some things to go from a mediterranean place. He enjoyed stuffed eggplant of some sort, followed by a trip to the Yiddish bakery for cookies. Seriously this child is prime for "No Reservations". The best part is everytime he sees a park bench or even a curb now, he say's "Lunch?".
I got another hour of reading in alongside my snoring stroller buddy. Nap wake up time brought us to the end of our street where a jazz band was playing. Just like street food, we are always up for street music and of course Pierce loves dancing in the street, it feels just like the block party. We arrived home to a beautiful piano concert happening on the floor above us from one of our neighbors, truly talented and great music. I love that this guy just opens his door and plays and invites the world in.

Mitch is having a splendid time in Galway and comes home late tonight. Going into our last week here, my emotions are very mixed. I could easily stay for another month or two, but reality calls I suppose.

As I write this one of my favorite nighttime activities is looking out at the other apartments all lit up with the ocasional person passing by a room. There's a guy who cooks dinner every night in a building about 50 yards away who stands in the same spot and is perfectly framed by the window. There's a dude in a gorgeous apartment that is on his computer each evening and behind us out the bedroom windows I can see a to die for apartment that is not only huge, but impeccably decorated, I've yet to see the occupants. It all sounds very voyeristic but purely tame stuff I promise. There's no direct angles into peoples apartments so it keeps the privacy, just these little snippets of everyday life. I notice so many more lights tonight, the 2 week ski holiday ends for kids and they go back to school tomorrow, so I suspect there are many people just returning home. This is a picture of Pierce taken yesterday looking out one of our bedroom windows.

On that note, I'll go into more detail on the apartment specifics, since many of you have emailed us about that. The one preview I will give is that I won't stay in a hotel again in Paris.

1 comment:

  1. I check your blog every few days - boy the time is really flying by - and you know that better than anyone - your pics are great - have to say you're not missing much of anything here except girls night out at Amanda's - lots of fun, late night, I can only speak for myself ... but ....I for one made it home without linking arm and arm with anyone - waiting for you guys to return for our next gathering of girls and or girls and guys - want to hear more.
