Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We're Back....

Before I get flamed for not doing the favorites list from our last trip, I promise to do it after this one :) In the meantime, on to the new adventures. We arrive in Paris this morning after an uneventful flight from Chicago. A quick seven and a half hour passes easily with Pierce and I sleeping and Mitch checking out the in-flight movies. Thankfully the flight is fairly empty and we spread out over six seats. Two for one!

Close to 50 and gloriously sunny, the day could not wait. A stop at our apartment (the same one we rented last year) elicits immediate memories and had a crack-like affect on Pierce. The kid literally runs around the apt. for an hour highlighting in precise commentary everything he loves about the apartment, in a frantic, hyper voice. A final declaration of "I love Paris" was enough to get us out the door and exploring.

First order of business....the Bell Park. A smallish park near our apt that Pierce favors due to the church bells which toll above it every 30 minutes. A few games of soccer with the local kids and hunger sets upon us and we retreat to the streets. We miraculously score at table at Breizh Cafe, unbelievably good crepes and just what we need to settle into Paris. It is at this point we break our cardinal rule of Paris and dining out. Pierce is still awake and on verge of meltdown. We scarf down as quickly as possible and manage to make an escape with just a minute to spare before Defcon One (sp?). On the way out Pierce receives some 'warm' french sentiment in the form of stern stares.

Thankfully, true to his stroller naps of past, Pierce passes out about 10 minutes following lunch. Mitch and I stroll for a bit and I pop into the neighborhood church. I'd be remiss not to say this day is hard for me, as my mom passed away on this day in 1994. It gives me great comfort to keep her memory alive in a place that lightens my soul as Paris does

After a few Affligems (beer is good for jet lag), we head to Monoprix. I could spend hours there and probably have. Between the clothes, makeup and food, it's a complete delight of the senses. I have a momentary lapse in french speaking ability and cannot think of the word for garlic, which I somehow cannot locate at the store. After some comical descriptions, the clerk says to me in French "Ah yes, why didn't you just tell me it is used to ward off Vampires, like on Buffy?" Okay so this guy is clearly a man (well a slightly awkward teenage boy) after my own heart. We stock up on the basics and head home to collapse on the couch.

A mellow dinner is in order with our Monoprix goodies. Foie Gras and cheese for appetizers are first up, followed by Pesto Pasta with mushrooms.

One of two scenarios await us this evening, a Thomas the Train marathon if Pierce can't sleep or a lovely wine induced slumber. Guess which one we are hoping for.

UPDATE: Neither a nor b played out last night. But we did manage to avoid a Thomas marathon and instead settle for endless book reading and lots of 'why isn't the sun out yet', 'is Monoprix open yet?' The joys of a toddler and jet lag :)

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