Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Market Feast

Crepes, Paella and Oysters Oh My! Nothing says Thanksgiving like a street market.

The best way to eat your way through Paris is the food markets. And, the best of the best can be found in the shadow of the Bastille monument, where every Thursday and Sunday two hundred plus vendors invade the area.

Until now, I've not had a true Galette on this trip, a buckwheat bonanza of goodness that seems impossible to ever recreate at home. The Breton vendor at the Bastille market had me at egg, tomato and goat cheese, pure breakfast heaven. Pierce opts for a Nutella and banana crepe and who can blame him. Mitch goes for a paella from an adjacent stand.

Further into the Market, Mitch decides we need Oysters. He's right of course. And picks the perfect stand. A quick conversation yields amazing results and a mixed plate of delicacies. Oh, and free wine.  I nearly forgot the most important part. The Oyster Monger (I assume this name stands) is very generous and when I try to pay for the wine refuses me outright.  En Francais Bien Sur.

Following our culinary adventure, Pierce suggests another Christmas Market.  Do we dare? Okay fine.  The Champs Elysee market it is.

The festive atmosphere is always a delight, even if it can be beyond cheesy.  The gourmet pavilion has a champagne hut and a hundred wonderful smells wafting from each booth. Pierce decides he needs even more food and grabs a salmon sandwich, while Mitch and I enjoy some of the Bieres de Noel. A leisurely few hours is spent meandering the booths and buying the requisite Christmas ornament.

The wonder of food and a culinary crash course courtesy of the friendly vendors makes this a special day indeed. Oh and there is also time for some 'snow' sledding fun for the boys.

Finally, it's back to the apartment to stalk the noodle place on the corner for its 7 pm opening time. Mitch takes one for the team and stands guard in line starting at 6 pm.  Well, rather, he sits guard while bringing a small plastic stool from the apartment.  It gives an air of professional line waiter.

We are ushered in at precisely 7 pm and enjoy a true feast of deliciousness to celebrate Turkey Day the Sichuan way.

Full bellies and thankful for another beautiful day in Paris.

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