Tuesday, November 22, 2016

As the Beaujolais goes, so do the Famille de Gordon

As the Beaujolais goes so does the Famille de Gordon.  It's true we arrived within 18 hours of the most marketed wine in history (save for the Beringer white zinfandel box wine).  Okay the Beaujolais wins.  The AA flight over is mercifully uneventful, although the plane has seen better days (perhaps in the early 1990s).  Alas, Pierce and I sleep a good amount and are ready for the full onslaught of CDG, which is actually fairly quiet on this Friday AM, Mitch not so much, but he's still ready for Paris day one. An RER train follows to the dreaded Chatelet Les Halles station, home of endless construction and diversion.  BTW  the official count for public transport stands at Bus, L Train, Plane,  RER, Metro.  In other words, Pierce's ultimate adventure.

The wonder of public transport
My third pass at this apartment and I'd feel embarrassed if i didn't lead us straight there.  No worries and we are in.  A quick force induced nap yields to the desire to explore Paris now! A wander is in order.  As if by some gravitational pull all signs lead us to Etoile Marquante.  And lo and behold our bar man is still there.  Pierce has graduated from free sandwiches to a full blown Salmon Fume. It's nice to see some things don't change.

A late lunch is followed by an early dinner. It's Paris and we are on vacation, so judgement can suck it. Pierce takes the reigns and elects for the Falafel Place precisely 5 meters from the apartment.  Excellent call.  We've been on previous trips, but it tastes particularly good on this night.

Early to bed.

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