Saturday, November 26, 2016

Of Towers and Sailboats and Friendly French

The last day of vacation is always bittersweet, especially so for Paris for me. It suddenly feels like you've done nothing, yet everything and time is running out. Given the opportunity to spend a year or two here, I would not hesitate to make the move. The lifestyle and joie de vivre is truly contagious.

I suppose it is always a 'see you soon' rather than permanent goodbye. There's something timeless, yet modern about this beautiful place that defies comparison.

On the last day, we honor Pierce's request to check out the Eiffel Tower. Mind you, not actually go up in it, but just check it out from the ground. We've both hiked the tower and taken the elevator in the past, so I think we've contributed enough money to this view to last our lifetimes.

Pierce thought it was vitally important to Wave the W with an Eiffel Tower backdrop and really, you can't argue with that.

The grounds of the Eiffel Tower should be renamed Capital of Selfie Sticks, the young men peddling the iconic annoyances alongside the more traditional tower trinkets certainly seem to rake in the dough.

A few poses here and there and we are ready for our next adventure. Heading to the only above ground Metro line is always a Pierce highlight. We take it to Luxembourg Gardens and enjoy the expanse, largely without anyone else in sight; unusual for a Saturday afternoon.

Of course, other than beautiful grounds the main reason for a visit here is the boats for hire. The tiny sailboats that dot the main fountain in front of the Palais. Proving you are never too old or young, both Pierce and Mitch delight in this activity. While the wind is a bit lacking, we still give it a go and select a boat from Morocco.  This seems like the right move since on its very first journey, it sails across at a fairly decent clip.  Boats from Greece and the Netherlands eventually join in the fun, but it's empty for the most part.

Beautiful mums continue to bloom to create a colorful splendor that fits the park beautifully. I've always adored this location.  After sailing we decide to walk towards St. Sulpice for lunch.  We meander through a quiet block and happen upon a quiet corner restaurant that maybe seats 25 people. Le Bon Saint Pourcain turns out to be a total gem. It's gourmet for sure and initially we venture in and there's not exactly a warm greeting.  We are asked to wait outside for a few minutes, when a table might be available. No worries, it's the definition of a quaint little street.

Our hesitation subsides nearly immediately upon being called in for our table.  The waiters are a delight and absolutely adore Chicago. One of them engages with Pierce about stepping out on the glass walkway at the Sears Tower and how much he loved it.  He also is an enthusiastic collector of police patches and thinks Chicago's is fantastic.

Lunch is sublime. A very small menu but absolutely divine in its simplicity. Pierce declares the chicken the best he's ever had. It's from some 'famous' chicken guy somewhere in the Normandy area, who apparently is the chicken king. At any rate, the food is as tasty as it is gorgeously plated.  I break my cardinal rule and snap a photo of the celery soup.

I have one last stop that I need to make on this trip and it's the target of Paris Monoprix!  But not before we venture through a Paris location of the London chain Marks and Spencer.  Behind the store is a small fresh food market with an amazing selection.  We clamor for some fruit to take home to eat before our flight in the am. Lychees and clementimes it is, although we could have selected much more for the infinite items.

Food stands are arranged so artistically here, you wonder if we would ever take the time in the US.  Probably not, but I love the French for this.

Monoprix follows are market visit and it's a score for Pierce with some new clothes that are certified Paris fashionable.

And the fashion parade doesn't end when I pop into a shop I've been eyeing all week and buy.....wait for it....a scarf! Yes of course this is the third one this trip, but when you live in Chicago it's definitely not a splurge purchase right?!

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