Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A mounting interest in art

On Paris time with zero plans is always a good idea . We have a vague idea to visit the Bastille Saturday art market and finally make it a reality after a lazy morning walk to our former neighborhood bakery on Rue de Turenne. I don't care that Le Moulin de Rosa has not won a coveted award, it has the best damn banguette and chouquettes. And it helps for us that nostalgia is baked in. A quick stroll on the Place des Vosges and we explore said art market. Some great pieces that perhaps will become part of Gordon collection the following Saturday.  For now, it's just a looky loo expedition.

A walk up the canal follows, complete with motorcycle shop stop for Mitch.  A solemn moment at Le Bataclan is surreal and a gut check. A beautiful memorial at the public park across the street offers solace. 

Watching the skaters at Le Republique provides some levity, with a very vibrant square of action. 

A metro trip to Montmatre is in order, as is lunch.  We find a lovely, slightly off the beaten path Italian place and refuel to concure the steps of Sacre Coeur. But of course, the Funicular calls and while Mitch works off lunch, Pierce and I have all the 'fun.' 

Sitting for his portrait
It's a beautiful day and the views are spectacular.  I fall victim to nostalgia and hire a one of the many wandering portraitist to sketch Pierce.  We plant ourselves at a cafe on the main square and the guy goes to work. It's exactly the kind of entertainment the makes Paris special.  The Pierce portrait, while not the best one, is still worth the experience. There's much political discussion with the artist, which is expected and again it continually surprises me how much the French have deep knowledge of our government and it's finer and/or low points.

We all have a wonderful afternoon with the convivial waiters at the cafe and the surrounding atmosphere.
Joking around with arguably the nicest waiters in all Paris.

With his new favorite artist 
The camaraderie continues as Pierce befriends a talented artist, who just has to give us a deal!  Well, really, how can you refuse? I actually champion the artist as well, as he's the only abstract guy on the block. Mitch relents and the painting is Pierce's (as well a bonus small piece.....what a bargain!)

Back at home, it's sushi take away for dinner and an early night. 

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