Sunday, March 14, 2010

One and Done

Our final day takes us to our old haunts.

First off, a run is in order. We have a habit of saving our exercise until just before reality sets in. Sundays are perfect in Paris for runs, bikes or rolls. With the major street along the Seine closed to cars, it is an exercise free for all. I hit the pavement (or cobblestones as it is) first. Judging by my ipod run mix, i go about 4 miles. Great running weather, cloudy but not too cool, about 50. Mitch goes after me and twice as long.

Hunger approaches and we hit up an old favorite, our galette/sandwich guy at Marche des Enfants Rouge. The ham, cheese and onion galette, is just what we need.

A long romp in the Temple Park for Pierce is perfect. Mitch and I venture to one of our local haunts and enjoy the afternoon.

We see ripe for to encounter the random Paris acts of strangeness. In a single day, a Rio "carnavale" parade finds us in the Marais (umm..wasn't this a while back?!) and a roller blade brigade halts traffic for ten minutes. Both very entertainin, so no complaints. We just happen to make a habit of stumbling on these events.

A final play at Places des Vosges and Pierce is ready to go.

Dinner at our favorite corner restaurant (same one we went to for Pierce's birthday), has us feeling like locals. The greetings at each place are genuine and appreciated.

We'll miss it here. We'll be back. A bientot Paris. Je t'adore.

Yes, a favorites posting will happen this week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen,

    I was pretty excited to see you have just taken another trip to Paris. I love your blog and following Pierce's adventures.

    We will be staying in David's apartment in the fall with another couple. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it (you must have liked it to rent it 2 years in a row!). If you have time and don't mind, please e-mail me at Can't wait to ready your list of favourites!

