Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Tower and a Toddler

Behind a day in the blog, but the birthday wore us all out yesterday. Yes, it is true, Pierce is now 3. And, I must say that we may be setting the bar a little high for birthday celebrations. The P man woke up joyfully and to much sunshine. His first question "Mom, is the Eiffel Tower open yet?"

Another very brisk day, but unlimited sun makes it tolerable. We arrive to no line at the big tinkertoy. It may have something to do with the time (9:30 am.) or the fact that it is pretty darn cold and windy. Either way, no complaints, as lines are one reason we visit Paris in the off season.

Whisked away in the cool elevator and Pierce is in heaven. A bit of haze, but otherwise an amazing view. Wind forces us to retreat inside and the P man delights in his chouchettes. Little round pastries that he has nearly every morning, which on this day morph into his 'cake' for a birthday celebration atop the tower.

Back down on ground, we head for part two of Pierce Fest. The Jardin d'Acclimatation. The best amusement ever for the under 8 set. This 150 year old attraction steals the show again this year. The newly minted 3 year old takes pride in being able to make age for many new rides. The place is empty and Pierce continues to ride over and over again on his favorites.

Pure exhaustion follows, unfortunately we miss the nap window during our stroll :( . We take a break at the apartment and cross our fingers that P man will nap. He finally goes down and we rest as well.

Up and at it again for the culinary piece of the birthday celebration. We round the corner to one of our favorite (and kid friendly) bistros. A tarte Brettone (spinach, chicken, artichokes) is the birthday boy's selection. Duck for Mitch and tomato soup for me. All very suitable. The food is not the highlight here. The atmosphere is warm and friendly and the beer and wine is always reasonable and flowing pretty freely.

Pierce gets his present just before dessert and is instantly smitten with Annie and Clarabel (see Thomas the Tank Engine). I bring a candle and ask the owner to light it for Pierce.

The owner/manager is the nicest man in Paris and easy on the eyes for the gals out there (I am thinking like a slighty older Gerard Butler). He recognizes us from last year and turns on the charm. Very graciously he also surprises Pierce with a chocolate cake and comes out singing. As we are the only ones save for one other table at the tiny spot, it's perfect.

Following dinner the owner buys us a round of beers (Leffe) and we meet a wonderful Italian guy who stops by for a beer and brings his adorable dog. Pierce takes an instant liking to the dog and frolics around the restaurant as happy as can be. Truly a perfect celebration of an exhuberant 3 year old.

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