Monday, March 8, 2010

Winds of Change

A bright day ahead, but still brisk. The wind rivals Chicago. The forty five degree temp would be perfect without the windchill. We attempt to walk past Pompidou without Pierce knowing. Unfortunately (or fortunately) he is smarter than us. He recognizes the building immediately and declares "hey that is the funky building with all the elevators." So much for keeping it low profile.

After a half hour of elevator and escalator play Pierce is good to go. We go to BHV in search of kiddie gloves. Yes, we lost Pierce's a few days ago :( As a previous posts suggests I LOVE BHV. The fact that they are in midst of a their 6 day sale, which actually goes 10 days(?) is a bonus.

No luck on the mini gloves. But a Brio train table is enough to placate P man. Mitch and I recall the wonderful meal we had last time and immediately redirect to lunch. An awesome assortment awaits.

Following a meal, Pierce is adamant that we visit Notre Dame. Good thing, since we are only a few blocks away. A tour of the inside reveals his incredible delight at the stained glass windows. He is in awe. A deeper understanding than last year is clearly evident and it is remarkable to watch him.

An overwhelming need to nap overcomes P and Mitch and I enjoy our afternoon at a local cafe.

Awake from his slumber at about 4:30, P man directs us to the Notre Dame park. This area consists of one swing and a crazy French spinny merry go round.

Much play continues then we abort to our neighborhood. Mitch and P head to Places des Vosges and I buy wine and hit up the apt.

Discovering that that the local fish market is closed on Mondays alters our plans. We decide on Coreeen BBQ....otherwise known as Korean BBQ. It is actually excellent. Following dinner we all devour the caramel and walnut confection that I get at the neighborhood bakery earlier in the day.

The P monster turns three tomorrow. My, how time flies :)

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