Friday, March 5, 2010


We hope that jet lag left us last night. Pierce manages to get 8 hrs in, unfortunately that somehow translates into no nap today. C'est la Vie. Another beautiful sunny day greets us and we take it as a sign to head to Montmartre. The two Metro line switches are enough for Pierce to enjoy the day from the start. A giant poster of Pierce's favorite entertainer (Lady Gaga) at our metro stop sends him into overdrive.

He channels his Gaga energy to bolt up the stairs to Sacre-Coeur. But not before a quick stop at the merry-go-round. His reward at the top is a one man band playing the Beatles, coincidentally his second favorite band.

With about 200 people in the 'audience' P can't supress his urge to bust a move and soon becomes part of the show. The video Mitch took will be in high rotation as he ages.

We continue the day with a walk through a gorgeous neighborhood of homes about 1 mile from Sacre-Coeur. Some seriously stunning places and interesting architecture. The benefit of no plans is that you can wander at will. This largely residential area would have never been on our initial radar.

Back to the metro and we make our way to the Tullieres, yes again. Pierce's sailboat addiction continues to grow. He jumps for joy the entire time and for 2 euros for a 1/2 hour boat rental this may be the best entertainment value in Paris.

A dinner of leftovers and wine on the couch is a relaxing ending to the day.

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