Today we explored a bit around the other side of Rue Saint Antoine, a major street about 2 blocks from our apt. Stumbled across an awesome farmers market, some pictures to illustrate. Let's just say that the Paella guy was as hot as the dishes he was selling (shout out to all the single ladies). My personal nirvana was the cheese stand, one of three that went out for a good 25 feet of booth space. And, seriously who knew there were like 30 different types of Oysters?
A farmers market is ideal for Pierce who loves to look at all the food as much as Mom and Dad. A big "oohhhh" comes out of
his mouth as we approach the market. The bread not being enough he immediately demands an apple, so he may peruse the offerings on a full stomach. He keeps repeating, 'apple, apple, apple' until he gets one and this lovely elderly lady says in a crisp English accent, "Isn't that clever, he speaks some English." I say to her in French, 'well that would be because he's American' :) She was really nice and cute and loved playing for a bit with Pierce.

After buying some items we strolled over to Hotel de Ville (today is the last day for the ice rink). Did I mention it is near 60 today! Had a great time running back and forth chasing pigeons, laughing at skaters and riding yes, the merry go round.

Forecast calls for more of the same tomorrow, so hoping for more quality time outside :)