Yesterday was pretty exhausting, tons of walking, so we decided to just hang out locally in the neighborhood today. We rarely leave the apartment before 11 a.m and today was no exception. (photo on left is in front of our apartment building, which leads to the courtyard) We headed over to the Marches Des Enfants Rouge, the local farmers market. The same guy who runs the crepe stand there and gives Pierce free pastries also does sandwhiches. We got one for the little guy to eat in the park today and honestly it was one of the best meals we've had here. The thing was amazing, from the bread to the seasoning and ingredients, it was as fresh as can be and very unique flavors in the herbs he used. I ordered Ham, Cheese, Tomatoes and Avocado for Pierce, but what made it truly great was the 'secret' spices and other veggies he used. We could eat these daily and just might :) Plus Pierce is obsessed with watching him making everything and loves to stand on the counter and groove to his tunes.

As we eat dinner, prepared lovingly by Mitch (fresh tortellini with garlic and tomatoes), he is lamenting his own cooktop. Just not quite the same here, but getting by in the kitchen so far. Actually some darn good things coming out of there, so can't complain.
So, you've hit on it. What is CHicago missing? A french version of my personal favorite Panes on Sheffield. Mega simple, made to order daily, french sandwhiches, made with love and delivered with groovin music.