Our landlord here informed us that Paloma Picasso owns the first floor in our building. Of course it is one of many properties she owns and is not spotted here very often, but it still compelled us to visit the Picasso Museum today. This is about 1.5 blocks from our apartment. Did I already mention that the apt. location rocks?! There's a nice little courtyard in front of the museum, along with a huge mirrored wall that reflects the courtyard and building, a bit like the bean really, but not as cool. At any rate, Pierce enjoyed running around the courtyard before we ventured into the museum. Because of his international diplomacy skills, he became an immediate hit with the other tourists. Enough so that a few of his 'fans' decided to take photos with him. Italians love children and Japanese love taking pictures so he was receiving ample attention from these groups. The photo on this blog is Pierce with his Japanese fan club. We are thinking of putting a little beggars cup in his hand, we figure he could finance a few dinners each week :)

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