Friday, February 13, 2009

Overhead Projectors Are New Again

Pierce and I at the Pompidou Center.(modern art museum, library etc) They have a nice section for the wee ones called Gallerie des Enfants. Here we are playing with the overhead project. Hey, what's old is now new again. Pierce loved the glass elevators and managed to fall asleep in his stroller after going up and down the escalators a million times. Fun stuff!

Here is a picture of Jen and I in front of the whimsical fountain outside the Pompidou. It does not have the same vibe in the winter when all the water is drained out. Notice the big smiles on our face, that is because Pierce is sleeping in the stroller. We where able to get in a few pints of Heineken at a street side cafe and some more grocery shopping before he woke up.

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