Friday, February 27, 2009

Parking it in Paris

Pierce and I did the trifecta of park visits today, with another merry go round thrown in for good measure. Mitch left for Ireland this morning and P and I got a slow start, but made up for it with our park exploits. We hit up all the hot spots and Pierce got friendly with some more local gals at his favorite pick up place, the top of any slide. This one little chatterbox of a girl was non stop talking to him, it was very cute, but I think eventually P just gave up and kept telling her "Pierce, Slide!" Like enough already, but not wanting to be rude :)

Naptime found me at a cafe on the Place des Vosges for potage des legumes (bowl of vegetable soup), glass of wine and an hour of solid reading time. The trip moved me to pick up some Paris/French themed books. I first read Paris to the Moon, which I liked, but didn't love. Currently I am reading Luncheon of the Boating Party, which I adore so far. It's a fictional account of Renior's famous painting and really brings to life the whole era. Highly recommend it.
I put down my book for a second, while Pierce continued his snooze, and I somehow landed myself in a political discussion with my table neighbors. First French politics, then on to America and what I think of Obama. Every single French person who has asked where we are from, always follows it with "Obama is from Chicago!". Move over Al and Michael, there's a new American icon to associate with our fair city. At any rate, I felt good at least being able to hold my own in French throughout the discussion. Of course, smiling and nodding goes a long way sometimes on the finer points.

To end our evening, a falafel take away offered plenty of dinner for both of us. We have now tackled 4 of the maybe 10 falafel places on Rue de Rosiers. We'll pick a favorite soon. Le petite food critic would give everything he eats 4 stars, look for his review soon. He is big on writing up his culinary adventures.
Tomorrow is going to be 54 and sunny, so there's sure to be more merry go round mayhem :)

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