Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Doggy Bag

Pierce decided today was the day to become the reincarnation of a petite Napoleon. He put on his best almost two year old tantrum and tried it out on us. Needless to say by Noon we were exhausted and decided to keep things low key today. Luckily the P man was defeated near Places des Vosges and succumb to a nap in his stroller yet again. Mitch and I had lunch at the most charming bistro a few blocks from our apartment. Gorgeous interior and sumptious olives on the table, slathered in garlic. My hat obsession may only be trumped by my love for olives. A bottle of the 'vin du mois' (wine of the month) soothed our nerves. The bistro steak I had was delicious, while Mitch enjoyed a chicken dish.

As we are dog people (hello Quincy!) , we adore seeing all the pooches around town and are quite happy to share our restaurant space with them as well. A rather friendly Husky gave us the 'scrap staredown' at the bistro today. Although this restaurant was very French, complete with non-touristy vibe (ie... Don't even think about speaking English), I could not resist taking a picture of said dog with Mitch.

After a trip to the local park, where Pierce got bullied by a little Parisian kid, (no international incidents quite yet, Pierce decided to play negotiator instead of instigator), we retreated home and Mitch cooked up some tacos. Yes, tacos. We love spicy food and it is severly lacking here. A quick trip to the Monoprix grocery store earlier in the day yielded some tortillas, meat, avocados, tomatoes etc. The most expensive delicacies in the store! We managed to score some hot sauce as well, not bad all in all.
Hard to believe it's halfway through our adventure.

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