Sunday, February 22, 2009

Birds Of A Feather

Today we had actually had a goal in mind, make it to the bird market near Notre Dame. It is held exclusively on Sundays, on other days there is a flower market in the same space. We figured Pierce would love watching the birds and he did. Other little creatures were also for sale including bunnies, guiney pigs, chickens, ferrets, etc. Some may be for consumption, others for pets. At any rate, it is a colorful place for a quick visit. On our meandering walk over there we stopped for a while to take in 2 local jazz/blues bands who set up shop on a bridge. One of the best things about Paris is that on Sundays, they close many streets and leave them open to only bikes and pedestrians. It's like having "Bike the Drive" every week, so cool. The bands provided a great soundtrack to the beautiful background.

Lunch brought us to a intimate spot over in the Latin Quarter, a short walk from Notre Dame. Mitch enjoyed a 3 course meal with Rabbit and I had fondue. Yes, I am a total sucker for it. Love, love, love it. A nice Burgundy wine complemented the meal.

A milestone of sorts was reached today in our quest to be considered 'temporary' Parisians. Two different groups asked us for directions, (in broken French of course). I think the stroller makes us look like locals :). Happy to oblige in both cases and excited that I actually knew both places they wanted to get to.

A quick afternoon shopping trip netted a very cute new hat, a red fedora. Yes, my hat obsession seems to have been brought to life in Paris. Following a trip to the park for Pierce, where he made some new friends, we headed home and bid adieu to Steph, who is headed back to Mexico on Monday.

Lovely Sunday.

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