Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Big Hand For Paris

A bit on the chilly side today. That sort of bone chilling dampness that makes 40 feel like 30. It didn't dampen our routine in any way though. Headed to the Les Halles area right by the Pompidou Center. At night this area is SEEDY; think ladies of the night. But during the day it's a nice park, go figure! Pierce had a spin on the merry go round and once again fell asleep in his stroller to allow the adults some bistro time. A leisurely lunch was followed by a stroll to the Louvre. When Pierce awoke he played in the gardens and we warmed up by heading to the underground mall. Didn't go in the Louvre, we'll save that for another day. Had a fabulous street side meal for dinner tonight. Got falafels to go from a Jewish place about 2 blocks from our apt. The Marais is known for three things, a vibrant Gay scene, a thriving Jewish culture and Haute Couture. Sounds like a good trifecta to us.

Mitch was kind enough to play babysitter and Steph and I went out to a lovely dinner last night, fantastic risotto starter and nice pork main course. We followed dinner with a trip to a hole in the wall English pub. Very fun. Again, you wouldn't notice a recession anywhere here, every place we walked by for both dinner and drinks was packed last night.

Tomorrow night is babysitter night so Mitch and I will be hitting the town.

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