Saturday, February 14, 2009

Culinary Curbside

So it is day three here and we've yet to address food. The Gordon family is down for trying anything culinary wise, especially our little Anthony Bourdain in training, Pierce, who can almost out eat his Dad now. As we have the apartment most of our meals will be home cooked, in what is a fairly well equipped kitchen. We have found an awesome outdoor market that operates daily to pick up most of our supplies. The French shop nearly every day since the idea of 'frozen' food and even refridgerated supplies are not culturally common. The market is called the Marches des Enfant Rouge and is about 3 blocks from our place. There are about 20 vendors serving everything from fresh fish to rotisserie chicken to morrocan specialities. Exceptionally varied and beautiful produce and flowers round out the mix. An added dimension to markets here is the ability to procure booze. There are two stalls at this market who sell locally made wine, beer and liquors, all very small batch stuff. Overall it's a shoppers delight. We brought home a local microbrew and chowed on couscous for lunch. Good stuff! Earlier at the market we enjoyed pain au chocolate and other pastries that the bread guy was all too willing to let us sample. Pierce enjoyed jamming to his music (Credence Clearwater Revival) so the guy was extra nice to us. We picked up some salmon for this evening. This will likely be our go to spot each morning for food.

We've already indulged in street food and our favorite curbside culinary here in Paris has always been and remains crepes. We start the day with a savory one, maybe a ham and cheese, then move on to Nutella by afternoon.

Hanging out at home while Pierce naps right now and we think (knock on wood) that he is adjusted to the time change as he slept a full 8 hours last night. I guess the third night was the charm.

On the language front I've fallen back into full speaking mode (for the most part) which is great. You can't beat the immersion. Mitch is holding his own after his Rosetta Stone training.

Overall, life is good here. We'll report more on food and wine restaurant wise when we get a babysitter and venture out sans le petite garcon.


  1. i am jealous you guys are eating pain au chocolat. Eat one for me please.

  2. Mitch - What kind of shoes are you wearing?
